Furlough is a Sheffield-based curatorial platform founded in 2011 by Lesley Guy and Michael Day. Our approach to curating is governed by a desire to explore themes and interests that are separate from but complementary to the main thrust of our practice as independent artists. As artist-curators, our concerns are less to do with academic enquiry and more geared towards a critical engagement with the systems through which our practices are filtered and disseminated. Our areas of interest include ideas of work, duty, merit, and value, and the way these play out in the practical day-to-day experience of artistic production and exhibition. Furlough operate on a not-for-profit basis.
Lesley Guy: www.lesleyguy.com
Michael Day: www.michaelday.org.uk
Contact us at information at furlough dot org dot uk, or join our mailing list for project updates and opportunities.